Effective Monday, March 16th at 8 am, only hospital personnel will be allowed inside Milwaukee Vet Clinic. We will be moving to a curbside drop off service. We have made this decision due to an abundance of caution for the COVID-19 disease. We are a small business and we need to keep the staff (only 4 of us) healthy. Lindsey, Sam, Matei and myself, Dr. Loomis are the only staff we have working here. If we get sick we will need to close down our small business for 2 weeks and that could be devastating for us. Understand we would rather sit with you and your pet in a room but at this time we must be smart and proactive. We love our clients, we love our clinic, and want to be here to serve your needs through these tough times.
-How will this work?
You can either drive up next to our door, park in one of our dedicated spots, or if there’s a space in the front park there. If you are walking to our clinic, walk up but don’t come in. Give us a call and one of us will go over any history, concerns, symptoms, or questions you have regarding your dog/cat (just as if you were in the clinic). We will then come out to your car (or persons) and bring your dog/cat into the building to have their exam, vaccinations treatments/diagnostics done. We will call you right back and go over findings and recommendations. This should be all done within the time frame of your normally scheduled appointment. Don’t want to wait in your car or outside our clinic? Then drop off and we can arrange a pickup time later- you will still need to be available to talk to the doctor shortly after drop off, but we will chill with your pet for the day.
Payment can all be made over the phone with Sam or Matei. We are doing our absolute best to continue providing service but in order to do this we need to keep our team healthy and we ALL need to limit close contact with others.
-What if I need a refill or food or supplies?
Give us a call and prepay for your medication or whatever you need! Let us know when you are there to pick up and we will run it out to you or your car. Even better, use our online pharmacy – link below.
-I hear telemedicine is a thing?
It is and we’re ready for that option as well. Established clients can use telemedicine (over the phone, Facebook messenger, Skype, WhatsApp). For a 35 dollar charge (over the phone) we can discuss what’s going on with your pet, and medications can be prescribed for the issue and can be pre-paid over the phone and then picked up. If a video conference is needed, we would provide the details over the phone. If an exam is determined to be needed then the 55 dollar exam charge will be discounted by the 35 dollar telemedicine charge. This will allow individuals at high risk to be able to remain in their home as much as possible.
Again stay safe, healthy, and smart. We will keep you updated as protocols change and hopefully we will be back to normalcy soon!
Milwaukee Vet Clinic